Wednesday, April 20, 2011

why life is rockin' right now

 - enjoying fun things in Utah with my family

{I'm related to the cutest little kids on the planet}

- seeing this beautiful temple during the springtime

"I'm going there someday..."

- knowing what I will do after graduation 

I figured out what I will do for the next little bit. 
A few years ago I created an image in my head of what I would like my graduation day to entail, and it's amazing how close I got {about 99% of what I wanted!} 

√ 1.  a more grown-up look {pierced earrings and bangs help} 
√ 2.  immediate + extended family present for all the celebrations! 
3.  in a serious relationship  {hey, you know- I am happy, and it's all about timing. Everything happens for a reason! : ) } 
√4.  weighing as much {or should I say as little?} as I did in high school.  
I am back to what I weighed my junior year... when I was 17.  It was a long obstacle, and I hope I can keep it up and be even more fit! 
√ 5.  knowing my next big adventure 

I'll tell you soon . . . 
. . . but right now I have to:

 pick up my cap and gown
pay a parking ticket {bahaha} 
buy a BYU basketball/Jimmer T-shirt
go have a dessert party with my lovely friends

oh yea, and graduate from college. 

: )