Wednesday, May 4, 2011

MLIA = my life is average.  I am bound to get a good laugh every time I go to this site.  It's a bit addicting, so ye be warned.  A lot of the posts are written by high school kids, which is probably why you may not have heard of the site. Basically they tell a very brief story of something awesome and unusual that happened to them, and facetiously add MLIA at the end, read with a "eh, no big deal" feel.  I always wonder how kids use social networking these days/ I am concerned for all our popularity status. If you want to be cool, you gotta know what the cool kids do, right?  

The more you read, the more themes you'll discover, such as: 

Team Harry Potter >  Team Jacob or Team Edward 

Mystery Google, now named Mystery Seeker 
you type in a question and the response is a link from what the previous person searched for. 
Provides for funny coincidental relevance to your questions. 

Google v. Yahoo searches.  Google always wins.

Pokemon. {I have no connection with this.} 

Ninjas, ninjas, ninjas. {Although I never played ninja as a kid nor aspire to be one, the stories are hilarious.} 

Doing something unacceptable/irreverent/childish in a classroom. 
Teacher thinks it's great and joins in / No homework. 

Here are some funny ones: 

This happened to me, just ask my mom: 

And my curiosity got to me every time I read about their conversations with "clever bot."
So I tried it.  You type in random questions and this "bot" will answer you, and vice versa.  The computer's words are in blue:

If you haven't laughed at least once during this post, then you are not a child a heart. Ok, that's a little harsh. Maybe you're just more mature than I am. 


  1. Love MLIA
    I've never tried clever bot though...

  2. I'll have to go and see what MLIA is about - I was definitely laughing at many of those! Thanks I needed a different laugh than I get from the kids each day :)
